You Are Invited to Come Out and Support the GM Challenge on July 5, a Relay Race, Starting at The Ruins of The Goldmine in Bushiribana

Palm Beach — Lourdes Gietel Geerman, Executive Assistant Manager at the Radisson Aruba Resort Casino & Spa reports that the stage is set for the next GM Challenge on July 5th

As a matter of fact, the resort recently released the following statement: In a continued effort to promote health and wellness throughout our resort, and among resort staffers, General Manager Mark Frances is organizing another General Manager’s Challenge on Saturday, July 5th. The relay race begin at the ruins of the goldmine in Bushiribana. All male runners will run an 8KM track, while female runners will compete on a 4KM distance. To level out the playing field, the fastest runners are assigned in different teams, thus promoting good sportsmanship and teamwork. With the goal of continuous improvement, staff members steadily better their race results with each race while engaging in friendly competition. The entire island is invited to come and support the runners, starting at 4:30pm.

The race on Saturday, July 5th includes 32 male participants, running in 16 teams, and 16 female participants, running in 8 teams.

Getting to the Bushiribana/Gold Mine area is easy, as it is located just past the Ostrich Farm, up the road, in the direction of the ocean.

The man behind the initiative, the Radisson General Manager Marc Frances picked an interesting format in which each male participants runs 2K from point A to B and then back 2K from point B to A. Once the first male participant from each team arrives, he is instructed to tap his partner’s hand and then his partner will go through the same process of running from point A to B, 2K, and back from point B to A, 2 K, making it a sub total of 4K run per male participant and 8K in total per team.

Female runners will be doing the same but theirs will be a 1K stretch from point A to B and 1K back from point B to A, making it a sub total of 2K run per female participant and 4K total per team. The male and female teams who clock the shortest time will win the GM Challenge Relay Run.

Participating runners have been preparing and are reportedly enthusiastic and excited about the upcoming event. They have been training and are in top shape for the extraordinary undertaking. Many lost a lot of weight and are in great condition, like never before! With slow and fast runners paired, it is everybody’s game, says Lourdes Gietel Geerman and any pair of participants can win.

The Radisson Aruba Resort Casino & Spa is inviting family members and friends to come and cheer on participating colleagues, the runners who have been training hard and making sacrifices for this special event. Refreshments and snacks will be served at the end of the race to all those present.

Mark Frances, and the GM Challenge Committee Members, Margarita, Marina, Melissa, Mina, Marvinia and Lourdes are hoping to see a great number of people out in support of the run.

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June 27, 2014
Rona Coster