Why is Colegio Arubano so restless, again, I asked.

I love my readers.

Sometimes I just float a question, and they provide great answers, or more questions.

From my own life experience as a student, teacher, parent, and school board member I know the subject of education is loaded with emotions.

First the kids, struggling with intellectual materials, defining their identity under peer-pressure, and trying to establish a positive self-image.

Then there are the parents, stooped under socio-economic pressure, the majority of which really want to relegate 100% of the job of education their kids, to the school.

Then there are the underpaid, stressed out teachers, struggling with their personal issues, raising a family, maintaining a career, and carrying the responsibility to educate the pimply kids.

That’s a pressure cooker.

Then add to that a meddling church, government and/or board, all entities pretending to know better. What you get is a mine field which has to be navigated with finesse, diplomacy and skill.

Why is Colegio Arubano so restless, again, I asked.

It’s hard to say without all the information. I only know what I read in the media. The school system is kaput. Tax payers pay approximately Awg 11,000 per student per year. I would say almost private school tuition levels. But the students are not getting the quality one may expect. Where is the energy and money leaking?

Hi Rona. Good question. My kids never went there and I don’t have much insight. HOWEVER, it is horrible, the kids are the victims. I suspect that this week’s incident and the walk out was no surprise nor unexpected. Will the Minister intervene?

Why don’t you ask people in their 20-ies? Oldies like me will just be reminiscing or look at it as parents. Ask the minister. BTW, did the Minister of Education graduate Colegio Arubano? And also: WHY is the church still involved?

Bon dia Rona. I am trying to find out myself. I retired years ago and only know that it is an ongoing fight with the President of the Raad van Toezicht, formerly known as Het Bestuur, the highest organ in the organization, now interfering more than ever in the daily running of the school. And the Bishop of CURACAO has a big say in this, apparently. Which is strange but true.

No idea. Most likely the same issue as with most organizations on this island: Useless, spineless, ball less, brainless, clueless board members. How can the chair of the board lock the rector in his office, who in turn needs to call the Police? This is a prank we did as kids to our siblings when we were four years old. You can’t make this poop up, even if you tried. But look around you. Look at how many Pipo the Clown characters sit on different boards. This does not surprise me a bit.

Sadly, I do not have details. But poor leadership is definitely an issue, and a sure bet, this time.

GOA has been leaving, lots of junk in that organization. Meaning that political meddling and appointees in any organization, kill performance. It is the same with all organizations here, no one looks at actual delivery to customers. Not even the customers.

I am angry. Teachers took it as another reason not to work; and all this smack in the middle of students’ exam week. Yes, exam week for their exam year. I am mad.

The Board is not functioning well, most members just see it as a power/prestige status, but money is now an issue because the board provides financial aid to its friends. There are even claims of sexual harassment in that environment, but they are being suppressed. Everything now seems out of hand. You should look into the question whether board members are being paid.

The current board is the first board to get paid, but, they took over the control of banking from the admin. So only the board can access funds. No one knows what’s going on. There are no more checks and balance.


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January 20, 2022
Rona Coster