Whitey's west indian restaurant

Whitey’s – he can cook and he can sing

Whitey’s West IndianDuring Carnival time on the island the name Mighty Whitey conjures up images of political commentary put to Calypso music.

Singer Mighty Whitey often competes for the King Of Calypso crown. He writes his own stinging lyrics and delivers the composition with flair and on cue. He can cook too.

For many years during private events Greg Lyder would cook, prepare amazing barbeques with tropical island flavors, and the hungry crowds would always ask for more. He now opened his own restaurant at the Cayena Mall, on Caya Betico Croes 222, which is the island’s main street, when your drive toward the Haystack, through the heart of Oranjestad. West Indian cooking with Trinidad spices and Soca music are offered at Whitey’s from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday.

Mighty Whitey can also be caught officiating over beach blessings, he is an ordained minister and regularly performs wedding ceremonies.

He is also in insurance, in short, you are welcome to taste his cooking and ask him to sing, and if the spirit moves you can get married right there and then, and take out a new insurance policy.

Wife Marlyn is also an expert cook, and deserves a separate article. Their daughter who works at the restaurant is one of the island’s most brilliant students at the University of Aruba. Anyway, try their Roti – goat, chicken, beef, shrimp, so good, you’d want to come back every day. Tel.: 588 5352

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April 19, 2008
Rona Coster