What’s Hot? Sex Tapes and the Headliners

You Want to Make a Sex Tape? Don’t.

An explicit sex tape popped up on my phone this weekend, a grateful naked woman moaning, a determined naked man pumping. He is looking into the camera, held over his head in admiration, like he invented the wheel.

The sex tape was spliced into a mock commercial, introducing the new Serlimar director, coming to us from Curacao.   

Character assassination, I thought.

Someone got mad they did not hire him, and decided to produce a special sweet welcome for the newcomer.

In a press conference the following day, the pumping man captured the bull by its horns. He said the video was 12 years old and has haunted him since; he said he was pained by the so-called scandalous revelation, and that the person in the footage was his wife at the time.

Most importantly he said, the video will no hamper his ability to be good at his job.

Serlimar is definitely in need of a leader, a leader who is capable of managing people. If this guy has the people skills required, and the management background, then welcome to Aruba.

Lesson learned: You Want to Make a Sex Tape? Don’t.

Also, don’t ever lose your phone, if you have X-rated materials on it.

The MinJust VS the Headliners

I recently mentioned to you that the Dean of the local Lawyers’ Bar Association had asked the media to tone down its in-your-face style of reporting. He called for respect of privacy and asked to crack down on explicit pictures of blood and gore.  

In response, the MinJust then asked the media outlets for a meeting, where a protocol was to be signed spelling out the Media’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.

But while this goodwill was circulating, and the spirit of kumbaya lingered on the horizon, the MinJust also sent the Police searching for a number of stolen/missing communication devices, and not surprisingly, the agents showed up at the homes of select local media members.

Otherwise how can you explain that the media often shows up at accidents and crime scenes before law enforcement??

Bingo. They found some. And made a number of arrests. How did valuable Police equipment get into their possession, that is a good question! Shouldn’t they just be listening to their own devises. The technology is readily available for sale on the market.  

Immediately, the Headliners, that is how the ambulance-chasers call themselves, declared from jail that the spirit of kumbaya dead. They are not signing anything, and will not be shut up, this is all a political conspiracy against the free press and the freedom of speech.

This spectacle of outrage in the public sphere, polarization and heated rhetoric, definitely reached our shore.  




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October 31, 2018
Rona Coster