According to the MinPres, and we already know it, the Covid19 crisis has caused a lot of tension worldwide, including Aruba. The universe is up in arms, on many subjects, and MinPres in the last press conference wanted to convey the message that it is important, however, to find tranquility, and focus on following the rules and restarting the economy, ASAP, to prevent further socio-economic damage.
Two days ago, we were told that MinPres mitigated the crisis in education, she told the teachers, in writing, what to expect, and started a 12-month dialogue with them, with the expectation to achieve consensus on the type of change needed and its concrete benefits.
Change for change’s sake is not good enough, well-thought out change must achieve improved, measurable results for our community.
What can we learn from the crisis-on-hold in education?
We learned we cannot come out swinging, with plans for change all over the place and expect our collaborators to quietly execute.
They have to be included, climbing one mountain at a time, planning, executing, measuring, tweaking, then going on to the next mountain.
Change has to be handled with care, with the goal of instituting minimum change for maximum results, otherwise we upset the hive, which later becomes ALLERGIC to change.
We need stability and collaboration, not storms in teacups.
We have a lot on our agenda, according to RVA, the council in charge of thinking, the agenda includes 1) the tax system; 2) health care; 3) the social security system; 4) the government organization and the business environment.
“RVA deliberately divided the load into topics in order to provide insight, and better identify the bottlenecks, as well as to clarify the importance of these issues in relation to (achieving) a dynamic economy and society.”
They focus on achievement. Results.
In that case, everyone has to carry their weight. The MinPres cannot run every department, and put out all fires, including the one at the hospital that was a model of collaboration and teamwork.
We’re not paying anymore for ministers or parliamentarians with their own secondary agendas, that is a terrible waste of resources, and we are done with that, we want value, we expect first class work from our civil servants, for the good of the people, from now on.
And don’t keep on blaming the Dutch for ANYTHING, be grateful for the money they pour into our economy, and take responsibility for years of wasting our national treasures.
The whole world is imploding, according to the experts the worst is yet to come, so hold tight, and GO WITH THE FLOW, be agreeable and collaborative, and eager to contribute, the MinPres reassures us it will all work out if we take a deep breath, and relax, keep climbing mountains, one mountain at the time.