Marlienne, honey, the best thing that happened to you is being fired from TeleAruba, why did you want to work there in the first place? Such a stiff, old-fashioned and sleepy organization, it would have killed your spark, your brillo; good riddance, I am happy you left!
Dear TeleAruba: As a language, Papiamento is in need of innovators and modernizers, otherwise the language will remain limited, frozen in time. Native-Speakers cannot make mistakes. And let me explain. If you are a Native-Speaker, you have the language in your genetic code, you are incapable of making linguistic mistakes. A language is a living, breathing thing, it evolves, it never stays the same and we should welcome new words and new forms of expression. Please realize that ALL languages change over time, it’s the nature of evolution, and to label WAKIENDO as a corrupt and/or inferior format is ignorant, since from a scientific point all changes are neither good nor bad, they are just adjustments in the way we communicate.
TeleAruba should be proud of innovations in the language introduced by its commentators and anchors; TeleAruba should encourage free thinking, a sense of humor, and nonconformity, instead of choking creativity, poopooing fun, and molding everyone to look/sound the same.
As for the matter of selling Tee-Shirts: Every government person I know, has a side job, his own company, and an additional source of income. The former MinTour is rumored to own a radio station, the current MinTour is rumored to own two contracting companies. So what’s wrong with selling a few fund-raising tee shirt?
Did Marlienne sign a formal Code of Ethics when she went to work for TeleAruba, stipulating what she can or cannot do? Does such a thing exist?
TeleAruba should be pleased that its anchors have diverse interests, it is an asset to have connections and relationships in alternative social/professional circles, the more the better.
So anyway, Marlienne, honey, the best thing that happened to you is being fired from TeleAruba, why did you want to work there in the first place? Such a stiff, old-fashioned and sleepy organization, it would have killed your spark, your brillo; good riddance, I am happy you left!
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