Venezuela – self destruction continues

The crazy head of state, across the bay, decided last weekend to close the frontiers between Venezuela and the ABC islands for 72 hours.

Why, is the question.

I personally think Maduro just realized what an avocado consumer I am and decided to cut me off.

Anyway, the dictator provided a quasi-explanation for the abrupt decree, citing his desire to curtail smuggling, and prevent the leeching of products and minerals, such as diamond and copper being illegally exported from Venezuela.

A recorded message from Rainbow Warriors, pointed out this weekend that it is not diamonds and copper Maduro is worried about but Coltan, a rare mineral mined in Venezuela that is used in the manufacturing of electronic products in the sensitive and volatile arms industry. But, only one problem remains, Venezuela is NOT mining Coltan and isn’t famous for diamonds.

So, we must conclude that Maduro was just picking a fight, making up a story, creating a diversion, taking attention off the fact that his people are dying of hunger on his watch.

Besides, whose fault is it that products are smuggled out? Not the buyers on our end but the corrupt customs officers on Venezuela’s end, who let products escape for a fee right into their hungry hands. We did notice that certain local websites are bursting with cheap Venezuelan products for sale. Our neighbors are desperate, and use their wits to survive.

One of my friends sent me a newspaper item which claimed that the move was designed to hide a clandestine fiber optic cable, being laid by a French company from Havana to Caracas, supervised by a secret military communications team of Russia. The total blackout was supposed to guarantee the strictest secrecy during the completion of the project, initiated by Russian-Iranian military forces, intent to manufacture long-range missile weapons!

Now that’s what I call a conspiracy theory worth repeating, involving the Cubans, French, Russians, Iranians and Chinese, plotting against the US and exploiting Venezuela.

The press release of noticiasvenezuelas.ord concluded with: The fight continues …

Here’s some more about Venezuela.

The crazy closing of borders is compounded by the threat of losing RDA, where the plan to dilute the useless Orinoco Gold into more friendly sellable products is fizzling away by the hour. If newspapers reports are true the PDVSA deal with Aruba, could be classified as Luft Gesheft, hot air, a business without a solid foundation. With all executive in jail in Caracas, we’re just sitting here waiting for the fat lady to sing. And the MinPres just announced that Aruba will be looking into the nitty-gritty of the RDA/PDVSA agreement and asking questions.

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January 09, 2018
Rona Coster