When I heard about the vandalism at Casique Macuarima and then saw the pictures, I was as shocked as you were, a combination of pain and sadness washed over me, I always think Aruba is insulated from the ills and evils of the outside world and that many so-called normal but disturbing phenomena haven’t reached us yet, or have reached us on a minor scale, but this was a blow, serious damage, the intent of destruction was palpable.
So just like many it took me a while to study Vandalism online and collect my thoughts.
Thank you Aruba Bank for the immediate donation. And thank you for picking a reasonable amount, a fraction of what is needed. I see it as a beginning, a seed, to a giant fund raising drive that should involve the entire community.
The entire community should get behind Cacique Macuarima for car washes, bingo and flea markets, baked goods sales, and the collection of funds via direct deposits.
Take a page out of the Church of Noord handbook, When they needed to repair their roof, it was a community effort.
Every single resident of the neighborhood must share the pain and feel it, then contribute to the repairs, because we cannot wait for *Deus ex Machina, god from the machine, to fix it, we must do it ourselves, and Aruba Bank started the ball rolling.
Let us know how we can help.
You Can Help Prevent Vandalism
Educate the public, especially young people about the costs of vandalism.
Clean up vandalism as soon as it happens — replace signs, repair playground equipment, paint over graffiti.
If you see anyone committing vandalism, report it to the police, school authorities, or someone who can take action.
Remember, vandalism is a crime.
Protect your house or apartment from vandalism by using good lighting and locking gates and garages.
Support recreational programs for young people in your community. Volunteer your time, donate money or supplies, and help in any way you can.
Take a Stand!
Tap into the energy and idealism of youth. Involve young people in all vandalism prevention efforts.
Organize a graffiti clean-up project in your neighborhood.
Work with Neighborhood Watch and ask the City or a local business for cleaning supplies and paint.
Work with schools or the arts community to paint murals on areas that are vulnerable to graffiti. Make it a contest for teens.
Adopt a street or park, perhaps in cooperation with a church or business. Plant trees, bushes, and flowers. Repair equipment and install trash containers. Organize a monthly park patrol to clean up litter and keep an eye on things.
Ask police or a City agency to start a hotline for reporting vandalism.
Have a community meeting on vandalism to discuss its victims, costs, and solutions.
Make certain that City or town officials promptly remove abandoned cars, and other offensive debris from the public domain.
(From the official site of the Los Angeles Police Department)
*Deus ex machina is an unexpected solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem, in a magical way, that results in a happy ending.