This is a column for Thursday

How did Spula krijt go?

Five drunk-drivers arrested, not bad. Better than previous years.

One of my friends, a headmaster in the Catholic school system decided he will treat his teacher team to a fun day on the beach with Yoga and relaxation, food too, with a much smaller emphasis on drinking.

He filled out a form announcing his plans, and sent it to the attention of management.

Yoga, was the reaction, no way, it is in direct conflict with the charter of the Catholic school; it is associated with Buddhism, we can’t have that.

My friend did not make a fuss, he changed Yoga to beach exercise, which it is, and peace was restored.

Weganan Escolar deliver heartbreak

In 2014 a wrong contestant of the Miss Universe pageant was mistakenly crowned.  We watched it live on TV it was painful and embarrassing.

During the recent Weganan Escolar, our school Olympics, which was huge this year, in participation of many schools in several sports, the dance team of a one middle school in the heart of the island, won the first place medals, yet, the medals were stripped away the following day, at the wake of a bezwaar launched by the competitor’s coach. The customized medals were taken away, and buckets of tears were shed, since the kids choreographed the routine themselves, and poured their hearts into it. Life isn’t always fair, and it is sometimes disappointing – tough lessons to learn as teenagers.

Judges: Don’t make such a mistake again, next year.

Main street hooks up with the Tram

We all agree that the six years of laying tram tracks, and digging up the main street, destroyed it. Businesses migrated to Palm Beach at an accelerated rate. There was little left in Oranjestad. Till today, there is ZERO benefit from the expensive tram, yet plenty negative consequences, mainly the burden of conductors’ salaries, and employees of AruParking/AruTram.

Some merchants still left in the area believe that GOA keeps those AruParking/AruTram salaried employees at their expense, sacrificing the business community in the quest to preserve unnecessary work places.

This week parliament wasted its time talking about the tram, they decided to allow it to run up and down the street from 1:30pm to 4pm, each day, and take a 15 minute break next to Dijspie’s at the end of the street, before heading back to the harbor. Or perhaps they did not decide yet, they are still deliberating. The theory now is, that co-existence between cars and tram will help the main street recuperate.


The fun Chubato Beer World Aruba, will be opening at 1pm, and hopes to benefit from the influx of a few tourists, up to now they had to rely on locals, and they welcome the change.

I couldn’t get a definite answer as to WHEN the work on Columbus straat will wrap up, Checkpoint Color’s love for the main street is being tested again and again.

Children attacked

As the Burdugu kids were attacked by their father, 33, one of the media reports asked what could the children have done to merit such treatment, which is a totally wrong approach. Think about it, how bad can a 2 year old and an 8 months old be? They spilled their milk? They dropped their bread? They cried? The ‘punishment’ they got from their father had nothing to do with their behavior, they were just the victims of abuse, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, when a crazed Burdugu came off his high. Now what?

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July 10, 2023
Rona Coster