Have you ever been curious how we rate as an island as far as Cyber Security. I am interested in the subject, having been already once the victim of bank fraud, and that is why on Wednesday October 26th, 2016, I will be joining the experts from Deloitte a at the ATIA building, on Gallegostraat #6, in Oranjestad, at 10am when they benchmark the maturity of Cyber Security in Aruba.
In today’s digital economy, where our money is virtual, and a password is the only barrier between us and pennilessness, we are being challenged to think beyond fancy phones and clever applications, to embrace the idea that we have to arm ourselves against marauder, predators and evil empires.
I am definitely interested to know what companies are doing against thieves in the Dutch Caribbean.
Apparently, Deloitte, Dutch Caribbean Risk Advisory has performed the Dutch Caribbean Cyber Security Study 2016, in order to investigate trends and the current maturity of Cyber Security practices here. They will be sharing what they found; the current successful local cyber security trends, and discusses how companies are protecting themselves against modern day cyber criminals.
The Deloitte survey is ongoing, and local heads of companies are invited to participate, and contribute by answering a brief selection of questions anonymously.
The program on Wednesday starts at 10:00am, and includes:
10:15 – 10:35 Riding the Wave of Tech Trends – Cyber Warriors at work – Roy Jansen
10:35 – 11:00 Deloitte Cyber Security Study 2016 – Pauline Loeff
11:00 – 11:20 Questions
11:20 – 11:30 Closing
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee and snacks
Speaker Roy Jansen is Senior Manager Risk Advisory at Deloitte Dutch Caribbean. His military
background combined with a profound knowledge of governance, cyber risk and security practices are a sound foundation to support clients in protecting their most valuable business assets.
Pauline Loeff is a Senior Consultant at Deloitte Risk Advisory with a background in Governance, Risk and Compliance specifically IT related. In her role as the project leader on the ‘The State of Cyber Security in the Dutch Caribbean’ she will be presenting the results of the study.
Attendance at this event is by invitation only. Participation is free of charge. Please confirm your
Participation by sending an email to Mr. Ashiq Nanhekhan via: [email protected].
Please confirm your attendance before October 19th, 2016.