This past week, the Supervisors and Managers at the helm at the Salamander Group attended the Women in Leadership Conference organized by ATIA and Caribbean Mercantile Bank. Team members were invited by Managing Director Jodi Tobman to benefit from the learning opportunity and to connect with a great number of local female professionals.
Among those attending were Marlene Nichols and Jodi Tobman, Operations Manager Alma Tagorda, Supervisors Julie Partosemito, Digna Torres and Rowena Banal, and Team Leaders Stephanie Mundle, Gabriela Ribbink Gonzalez and Karin Kalter.
Rowena who celebrated her 7th year anniversary with The Salamander Group that day, was warmly congratulated by her peers for seven years of professional growth. “I’m thankful,” she told her colleagues, ”for the opportunity to come to the conference but most of all I am grateful for the opportunity given to me as one of the leaders of the company, where I’ve learned, inspired and enjoyed.”
“It’s such a pleasure to work with these highly motivated women,” says Jodi Tobman, “they are all enthusiastic and committed to creating a better company, and a better life for themselves and their family members.”
At the end of a day of intelligent speakers and well-prepared presentations, Stephanie Mundle summed it up nicely. It was her first conference, in which she experienced the presence of so many women of strength and power and that she enjoyed the materials, food for her mind and her soul. “No one succeeds alone,” she concluded, “If we have the commitment, we seek support & inspiration, attaining professional and emotion growth, balanced with strong family and social ties, fueling our resolve to attain even further successes.”
Pictured here The Salamander Group leadership team, managing a number of fine retail stores in the tourist areas, The Juggling Fish, The Lazy Lizard, The Coconut Trading Co. and T.H. Palm & Company.