The Casino at the Radisson enjoyed a busy Slot Tournament on Saturday when more than 60 avid slot players came to compete for cash prizes. At the end of a fun, heated race three cash prizes were won by Denis Yee, Mireya Melo and Davy Jamin who proudly posed for a picture with the casino tournament hostess. While slot fever was raging hotel guest James Strauss played one of the casino’s loose poker machines for a lucky $4,000 jackpot.
The casino at the Radisson will be hosting the slot tournament again on Saturday at 9 p.m. A special Pre-Christmas Poker Tournament will unfold on Thursday, December 23rd starting at 7 pm.
Century Casinos, Inc. which recently announced a management contract for the casino at the Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa, recently took over the lively gaming floor, which overnight filled with patrons from the resort and from neighboring hotels, enjoying nightly promotions and fun events.