I saw the former-former MinPres, Nel Oduber answer a political crybaby last week. He answered well. He lined up the perfect qualifications for a board member of a public company.
Educated. Experienced. Financially independent. Team Player & Available.
If you have all of the above you may serve on a board of a public company, working for your country. In Nel’s case he also has a sharp tongue and a sense of humor, so those serving with him on the Setar board, will not be bored.
We should be grateful to these people for devoting their time, to supervise our potoshi!
My friend Rene Kan wrote to me the following at 5:45am this morning: It is a disgrace when I read the online newspapers, while traveling, and see discussions on the nomination of a person like Nel Oduber to the board of Setar.
People should be ashamed of themselves. A gentleman who has been our Prime Minister three times, with decades of experience in government, who definitely has the brains, and the time, and the experience it takes to be on a board; we should be honored and say “thank you Nel,” for being willing to invest your time to do this.
We should be more concerned about the nominating of people who are incapable, too young, too inexperienced or “too busy” to show up to board meetings.
And we should be careful of people on boards who need the money! If they need the money, don’t make them your board members.
Our MinTourHealth enjoys the luxury of having a father like Nel who is available for an appointment to the board. Good for him.
Stop politicizing everything, and let’s work in bettering our beautiful island. We need more Nels on boards. It would be very helpful to have people like him in more public companies.
Politicians: You should spend time changing some of the laws that dictate that a board member must resign at age 65. That would be a smarter and more productive discussion. At age 65, educated and experienced people are in their intellectual prime, having mastered knowledge and understanding, to arrive at wisdom.
Wisdom is rare and hard to get.
Take for example AZV. If you are 65 you must resign. Which is not smart. The best candidates are 65, with time on their hands, experience, and motivation to work for our island.
BatiBlekiBuzz: And Awg 3,600 is reasonable. Most board stipends fall around that ballpark.
Rumor has it that Ennia paid USD 100,000 per celebrity board member, former governors, former US politicians/diplomats, but then everything about that company was extravagant, in the spirit of the owner a former Minister of Economic Affairs to the Shaq of Iran, before the Ayatollah Khomeini took that country over.