The Kill Cage and the AVP Election Campaign

I heard it from several people, #9 on the AVP list, Richard Visser is campaigning to eliminate the kill cage; he filmed some footage there the other day and is talking to activists.

Rich honey, the kill cage is not the problem.

Sure would be nice if you improved the method of putting unwanted animals down, and it would be smart if you checked for chips before destroying them, but if you close the kill cage down, think about the cheaply available alternatives for heartless locals.

Drowning pups/kittens in a bucket of water, like in the old days?

Leaving them to suffer and dehydrate in the hills of Alto Vista?

Dumping them in the trash?

Jodi & Louella found an entire litter of pups in the wilderness, left to die, and I found my adorable Sushi in a trashcan, on the day of Carnival 50th, and she had a long, good life after that initial cruel experience.

The only solution: We have to get our people to neuter & spay. God Knows Ewald Biemans and his crew from Stimami Sterilizami did their best, and spent, and are still spending a fortune, but we need some government help in that respect.

What else?

Enforce the dog law. Then amplify it.

Prohibit breeding by unlicensed breeders, so people who have no clue about raising good dogs, do not make a fortune working the wombs of their bitches, for undeclared income.

FROM TODAY ON, you cannot breed your dog for profit, unless you are a licensed, authorized breeder.

All owned dogs must be chipped and licensed. It is a nice income for GOA, that would reduce the locals’ appetite for dogs, and it will make them a more responsible owner if enforced.

I have five dogs, if I want to enjoy the luxury of their company a Government Tag must be attached to their collars, Awg 35 per dog per year? Awg 50 per dog, per year? People will think twice before so-called adopting.

So Rich, I know you are an animal lover, put your energy now behind spaying & neutering, perhaps you will get the locals moving, just the way you got us to exercise.

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September 02, 2017
Rona Coster