The best way of describing the events taking place in Santa Cruz this weekend is the following: “Those magnificent men in their driving machines, they go up diddley up-up, they go down diddley down-down.”
Sunday was tryout for the home-made four-wheel street cars, or garoshis in Papiamento. The tryout unfolded in the winding hilly streets in the Sombre area in the heart of Santa Cruz.
The main racing event will be taking place next Sunday.
Bring sun block, and the kids, and come to watch the most-entertaining race ever …
The street cars are made of every conceivable material, from gas cylinders to tubes and car parts, everything goes.
They are basically pulled up to the water tank, and then allowed to careen down, sans spill-overs, pulled by gravity down the hill to “Plaza Deto Varies. ”
Lots of families came out to support their creative, zany members. Bert Kelkboom’s nephew was one of the racers, no wonder his uncle is on the Aruba racing team in the USA.