The annual PriceWaterhouseCoopers tournament at the Eagle Bowling Palace, pitched four ferocious players on each of the tournament’s six competitive teams. The Friday night event designed to bring colleagues together after-hours, in a casual relaxed atmosphere, provided  a mix of sports and stand-up comedy as every stroke, swing and delivery, provoked rounds of cheers and sometimes jeers, as balls rolled straight into the gutter.
To top off the night, T.G.I. Friday’s at Paseo Herencia arranged for a buffet of favorites including famous signature burgers and Jack Daniels ribs, over cocktails and smoothies.
Best Female Bowler 2009: FeiFei Zhao and Veronique Arends, tied, each with an impressive 108 score.
Best Male Bowler 2009, Anthony Martina, with the top 129 score.
Best Bowling Team: Who Gives a Split, with captain Inoira Maduro and players Sergio Jacobs, Leidy Bedoya, Anthony Martina and Gillian Spellen.
Pictured here management and staff of PriceWaterhouseCoopers during the annual Bowling Night, insiders report many were determined to win, but abandoned all aspirations to join the PBA, the professional bowlers association, at the end of the night, PINHEADS: Brian, Edmar, Veronique, Mary; LIVING ON A SPARE: Aldrin, Jelle, Sherry, Paula; GUTT OR DONE: Edsel, Ivan, Ronald, Greg; LUCKY STRIKE: Feifei, Alejandra, Vivian A; SCARED SPLITLESS: Zuwena, Ana, Ruben & Shelby.