Sweethearts’ Dinner Dance raises funds for the handicapped

foh-09-25 It all began in 1987 when two pool boys had shells on a table for sale, with a sign saying “Proceeds will go to the handicapped.”

This became the seed of an idea that led four members off the Aruba Beach Club to form an organization supported by their friends, called Friends of the Handicapped, with the goal of helping the disadvantaged on the island.

Over the years FOH had raised and distributed over US$1,000,000.00 to various organizations caring for the socially, physically and mentally handicapped residents of Aruba, with 100% of the proceeds given back each year at the end of the winter season, as FOH members head back to their homes in North America after wintering here at the Aruba Beach Club, Casa del Mar & Costa Linda.

Their fund raising events include a Superbowl Party, a Sweethearts’ Ball and weekly collections at the Sunday Holy Mass services at Casa del Mar.

In 2008, 15 organizations received donations totaling Awg 77.000. Among recipients were: Mi Por, an organization of mothers with handicapped infants; Foster Home Imeldahof; the Edmund Harms Hospice Foundation; the hearing-impaired Funari school & FEPO; Fundacion Respeta Mi which guards against child abuse; Ambiente Nobo, sister Philothea’s home for the handicapped; Ambiente Feliz & AVA, catering to special-need kids; Centro Kibrahacha for the elderly; Bibito Pin, a school for children with disabilities; Fundacion Cas Marie, dedicated to those suffering from dementia; the Clown Doctors who visit the elderly and also kids in the hospital’s children’s ward; the Red Cross dedicated to disaster first response and crisis management; and Fundacion Pa Nos Muchana whose name indicates care for children.

Members of the board of directors worked hard to sell tickets for the 2009 fund raising drive and create an unforgettable event, on the eve of Valentine’s day, featuring great food, dance music, red roses, gifts, a silent auction and surprises, they are President Art Stark and his energetic board members Steve Wild, Philip Solomon, Maryann La Carruba, Anoushka Maduro, Pauline Daley, Alma Stark, David Ulmschneider, Sal La Carruba, Linda Todman and volunteers Jean and Huguette Vatiquette.

Thank you generous sponsors, Noble Jewelers, Playa Linda beach Resort, Casa del Mar Aruba Beach Club, Kenro Jewelers, Kay’s Fine Jewelry, Gemani Jewelers, Westin Aruba Resort, Trac Car Rental and Little Switzerland.

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February 13, 2009
Rona Coster