Splica Pueblo Con

Look who got on his soap box

Soapboxes were once commonly used as platforms for improvised speeches, so getting on a soap box indicates sharing opinions publicly, most of the time to other people’s annoyance.

Getting on a soap box means calling attention to yourself, and offering your boring opinion, unsolicited.

Fresh AVP candidate Clifford Heyliger got on his soap box yesterday, publishing an open letter to the leader of Raiz, in which he called the request made by Geoffrey Wever, populist.

Stop writing open letter, instead of talking to each other.

The letter was completely out of context. Wever was a bit of a yenta, a busybody, I agree, a well-meaning person mixing in other people’s business, when he asked Mike Eman to talk BS out of a parliamentary seat, but populist, he was NOT.

On the other hand, if I ever saw a populist publication, it is Clifford Heyliger’s letter with FIVE paragraphs, all starting with ‘Splica Pueblo Con,” explain the people how.

That’s what I call populist!

Explain to the vulnerable – a word favored by AVP, how to pay for medications, explain to people where the 20% savings in government expenses, required by CAFT, come from, explain to the people how the 2021 budget will be handled, and explain how to stimulate the economy.

I see ZERO relevance between Heyliger’s questions, and Wever’s appeal. Heyliger just wanted to get on the soap box, show off his feathers, piggy-back a news item, and showcase his understanding of current challenges. What has this got to do with the shameful fact that we have BS, a suspect in a criminal investigation sworn in as a member of parliament, fully endorse by his party, like sticking a finger in law and order’s eye.

This week we bid farewell to AVP’s Richard Arends, Robert Candelaria, Jennifer Arends Reyes, Marlon Sneek and Micheal Lampe as parliamentarians, and are alas getting Mike Eman, Mike de Meza, Arthur Dowers, BS, currently at KIA, Gerlien Croes, Rycon Santos Do Nacimento, and Mervin Wyatt Ras, to serve in the next assembly.


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July 07, 2021
Rona Coster