The spread, containment, and the extend of the economic damage cause by CoVid 19, depends on us, and on our behavior over the next few months.
Good news: The virus seems to prefer cold and dry places, and stays away from warm and humid ones. So, that means less people infected where we live.
Today, I wanted to briefly introduce you to the new buzz word, SOCIAL DISTANCING, which basically is a low-tech effort to SLOW down the spread of the disease.
If you are exhibiting symptoms, but practice social distancing, instead of infecting 3 people, for example, you will only infect one, or none, which over time means you slowed the dreaded plague, considerably.
If we don’t slow down this train-wreck, our health system is going to be overwhelmed and inundated, unable to help anyone, especially those with pre-existing conditions, in the risk group.
So, no kissing, no touching, REDUCE the number of social engagements, sport events, concerts, manifestations, and conferences you attend, DO NOT SHAKE HANDS, try to distance yourself from people on public transportation, use FaceTime instead of meetings, this way we’ll MITIGATE the damage, not avoid it all together, but make the challenge of the new plague manageable.
Namaste, fist bump, ankle bump, anything goes, except touching. And wash your hands frequently.
Simple test: If you can breathe in easily and hold your breath for 10 seconds, no cough, no pressure, no choking/scratching feeling at the back of your throat, you’re as good as new.
Make sure to always keep your nasal passages and throat hydrated and moist. Drink water frequently. A dry nose, or mouth, in an invitation for the virus to strike.
May we all exercise mutual responsibility, and tame that shrew.