So, what is Richard Visser up to these days….

We’ve seen him here during the election campaigning for AVP, hoping to introduce innovation into education and perhaps also into tourism. At the time, he expressed great passion for both and was prepared to move mountains, deliver deep and wide changes once he conquers the district of Noord for the party. But the going got tough. You know, there were too many hurdles, too many complications.  Then the fake news item about his wife taking the hospital over started circulating, and that aborted the rest of his campaign; he was not eyeing health care, he set his sights on education, but the fabricated scandal hurt his trajectory. The Dutch say tall trees catch much wind.

So off he went, back to his own projects which have been set up around the globe, Vera Health & Education, with branches in South Africa, the Benelux countries, Scandinavia, Brazil, Caribbean & Latin America, Turkey and some Arab countries. He is delivering a new model of healthcare and education that is apparently desperately needed in the 21st century and beyond, because increase in lifestyle diseases and age-related chronic conditions, as well as infectious diseases in some developing countries, is putting an intolerable strain on healthcare systems everywhere.

Take the example of AZV; it is becoming more and more difficult to economically maintain one-on-one health services, between patients and their care providers. It is costly and inefficient.

Vela Health & Education promoted a new model where patients get in touch with their physicians via phone or tablet, on an application, and get tested, scanned, measured and diagnosed electronically, receiving electronic prescriptions at the end of their virtual doctor’s visit.

The new health care model is available for schools, jails, trains, and airlines. They will no longer look for a doctor on board an aircraft in the event of an ailing passenger; the crew will contact one in his clinic in the cloud with instant access to every medical specialty under the sun.

A student, a prisoner, a passenger isn’t feeling so great? Get him a doctor in real time via Skype/Face time or other applications, all HIPAA-compliant, in accordance to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data, and polices the system.

Richard reports that he will be setting up a Vera offshoot here, in Aruba, in collaboration with local assets, a local clinic, because he believes the time for innovation has come, we live in an age of huge technological developments, and easy global connectivity, and should open our eyes.

This revolution, he says, is redefining every aspect of our lives, no matter our socio-economic background and/or geographical location — Vera Health & Education is busy putting these technologies together to bring us the future of healthcare, efficiently.

Education will be next, easily accessible, from trains, planes, buses, and jails – education will come to you personalized and in real time to help you discover your real talent.


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December 27, 2017
Rona Coster