Serenading MEP

I have been following the publications by Ryçond Santos do Nascimento, I can’t help it, the media prints his pearls.

I noticed that the above independent member of parliament is now a loyal fan of MinPres, which means that we will see him on the MEP list for the next elections.

He is available, besides, on his own, as independent, he is lost.

Last week, he threw two generations of Emans under the bus. I agreed with most of his findings, but the timing of the press release was suspicious. What is his strategic reason for dumping on AVP at this particular moment in time?

The answer is in the timing, just as the scandal involving Eumar Koolman unfolded, in relations to Caso Kwihi. Kwihi involves that former coordinator of the retired minister of transport, communication and primary sector Chris Romero, and his campaign partner, the former retired minister of tourism Edison Briesen. They are suspects of punishable and fraudulent acts with public funds, namely awarding service agreements, to certain legal entities, between 2017-2021.

How did the alleged scam work? I sketchily understand, but when the current minister stepped into office, wearing the minister of Integrity’s hat, he found irregularities, and correctly reported them to the prosecutor.

Attempting to balance out this embarrassment, do Nascimento again exposed the AVP rap sheet — RAP standing for Record of Arrests and Prosecutions.

Unfortunately, both parties generate shameful stories.

On about three occasions recently do Nascimento went out of his way to praise MinPres, most blatantly, he voted for the current budget which as a scholar he should have realized was wrong. There was no reason to support it: No reform, no audits, late reports, raised taxes, no frozen costs, and the extra income raised by two tax medidas, went to services and payroll instead of investment.

Perhaps he already has a deal with MEP to go on the list for the next round, and is trying to secure his chair, as he no longer works for the university — the man needs a job, and he sees the opportunity.

I checked my blogs, I have about seven earlier mentions of him.

In May 2021, I called him a good AVP candidate, and referred to him as intellectual Ryçond Santos Do Nascimento, when he was first introduced.

On July 2021, I talked about him as constitutional scholar, #5 on the AVP list, with 214 votes. At the time he defended the jailed minister’s right to his innocent status, until proven guilty.  He dumped on RAIZ, for questioning that status!

That month, he became a parliamentarian.

In Aug 2023, as an independent member of parliament, the now former AVP party member visited the governor with parliamentarian Miguel Mansur, Accion 21, to deliver a letter regarding Raft, the kingdom law for financial supervision. I appreciated greatly that while they hail from different political cradles, they share convictions and can talk about our burning issues, together. That was perhaps an attempt to find a home in Accion 21.

I guess that did not work, because in September 2023, he published a blurb in the media that bordered on hate-speech crucifying GOA for allegedly promoting an LGBTQIA+ agenda. It meant that the Accion 21 match did not catch, but he was courting a religious segment of our population.

In October 2023, the first one to piggyback on the hoopla around Nigel Maduro, and no more hotels, was independent parliamentarian Ryçond Santos Do Nascimento.

He is now serenading MEP.

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January 27, 2024
Rona Coster