Same-sex marriage, still up in the air, not for long!

On Wednesday parliament experienced exceedingly rare moments of honesty, and courage and at the same time, shameless untruths, and fake sentiments. A combination of the best and the worst!

The topic under discussion until 10pm at night was the same sex marriage law, which later came to a vote, 10 pros, ten against, resulting in stalemate. It will have to come to a vote again, in the undetermined future.

Honesty and courage were on display when parliamentarian Setty Yarzagaray talked about her brother, and parliamentarian de Mesza stood for his son. Both, hailing from across the coalition lines, they stood by their family members exposing their personal soft side.

Their discussions were surprisingly candid and touching.

Aruba’s religious leader played a prudish, narrow-minded, 19th century puritanical role in the failure of the law to pass. Some were also present when the session ended, slinging loveless comments at members of the LGBTQ group leaving the building.

My favorite lawyer, rakes Christian groups over the coals in his column today, as they demand representation while dodging taxation.

The week prior to the vote, Aruba’s MinPres announced that our parliamentarians are free to vote their conscience. Alas 10 backward and uneducated dupes decided to vote against.

Do not believe everything you hear.

We believe the law did not pass thanks to a craftily orchestrated strategy. At the pivotal moment, parliamentarian Tromp excused herself, and left the building, which resulted in the disappointing count, we had just 20 parliamentarians on hand, no longer 21.

The following day, Tromp aired blatant dishonesties about her conscience, which she has none, pseudo-explaining her conduct.

She is a puppet. And allowed herself to be used by party insiders, set to fail the ratification.

No sweat. The Dutch supreme court will read its verdict this week, and surely reject this brazen violation of rights, in Aruba. Then GOA can claim its arm is being twisted, it tried its best to abort, but considering the court’s decision, it must comply.

(Then let us see how long it will still take for the first same sex marriage to take place on the island.)

My friends guess that it is probably Yarzagaray’s last parliamentary term, and she had nothing to lose, thus she decided to do the right thing.

Tromp on the other hand aspires, she is ambitious and must toe the party line, obey her instructions.

MinPres? My friends guess she will never deviate from the dictates of party-hardliners for fear that they will decide to veer towards the other dynasty, waiting in the wings, competing for the throne.

The Dutch supreme court’s decision will be anti-climactic. The judge will just read the sentence, five minutes max.

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May 13, 2024
Rona Coster