ReGreening Aruba

I heard two versions as to how BlyP, Ban Lanta & Planta, was born, but both made one point clear, when different people stand behind one idea, changes can be made.

Version one: A FB post showed a desert in Ethiopia, turned into a greet forest, with the following caption: “Could we do something like that on Aruba?” The post brought people together for a brain-storming session, determined to answer in the positive.

Some say the FB image was from Brazil, a barren valley turned into a verdant jungle, which prompted a group of plant-people to organize and act.

In both versions of the story, the conclusion was: “Let’s do it.”

The original group tossed ideas around, which kind of trees to plant, where, how to fund irrigation and finally just announced its first tree-planting campaign, broadcasted via social media, to stimulate the public and create awareness.

The feedback was incredibly encouraging.

The original name of the foundation was long, but self-explanatory to multi-lingual audiences: “Ban Lanta y Planta – Trees for Aruba.” Then an ambitious 10.000 tree goal, was set.

The group soon realized that local trees were not readily available, they needed to be grown from seed, and if the goal of 10.000 trees was to be met, they needed to collect healthy seeds from mature trees in Nature and go through the slow process of germination and growth, before transplanting the seedlings.

Then the real work begins with digging the adequate holes in the ground, filling them with good soil, watering, protecting from goats, too much sun, too much wind, and the long-term care of pruning, mostly watching out for pests and people.

Lanta & Planta’s first nursery in Santa Cruz opened in 2020, and toward the end of December that year Ban Lanta y Planta – Trees for Aruba officially became a foundation, registered at KvK, the local Chamber of Commerce.

Soon a second nursery in Noord was added on terrain donated by Bucuti & Tara GMC Nature Preservation Foundation.

The resort, dedicated to environmental practices, realized Noord will only become more densely populated and needed Green Lungs, a local park, an open space, protected from development.  The area identified, destined to become Noord’s Central Park, across the Santa Anna church, is BIG, 12 hectares, approximately the size of 24 international football fields.

In the future, with Noord more built up and congested, the park will serve as a lovely green heart in the center.

In November 2020, Ban Lanta & Planta held campaign in the area, Restore Aruba’s Natural Beauty, planting 75 trees. It has been planting in that location continually and is using donations’ money to water the young seedlings.

In recent months, a landscaping architect has been engaged to eventually fence the area and create 3 walking trails, short, medium and long, to benefit those wanting to exercise in Nature. The terrain is also blessed by dense cactus patches, which will remain untouched.

Ban Lanta & Planta regularly collaborates with ‘Stimaruba’, ‘Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba,’ the ‘University of Aruba’ and the ‘Savaneta Marine Barracks, MSK SAV,’ planting local trees to improve Aruba’s natural environment.

With Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, becoming Aruba Conservation Foundation, Ban Lanta & Planta is hoping to strengthen its ties with the organization to plant rare and almost extinct species at Arikok.

The foundation, under the direction of Anita Aerts, is highly active. It is busy with mangrove restoration and is paying attention to planting Seida Cora trees, favored by local Prikichis.

At the end of last year BlyP was unpleasantly surprised by a gardening supplies thief, getting away with watering hoses, wheelbarrows, buckets, and bottles. ATCO came to the rescue with a container, that from then on served as an impenetrable depot.

It still needs a bit of maintenance and paint if you decide to volunteer!

To date, about 1,200 trees were planted around Aruba.

One of the most fun? Volunteer Walter and his bride Carlotta planted a beautiful Calbas, and named it WaCa-WaCa, as a symbol of their dedication to reforesting Aruba.

From the website: BlyP is determined to re-green Aruba, one sapling, one micro-forest at a time. With every tree, we are enhancing biodiversity, fortifying nature’s resilience, creating a greener, healthier future, and combating climate change by storing carbon. At Ban Lanta y Planta, our roots lie in environmental stewardship and community engagement. Our incredible volunteers have tirelessly showed passion and dedication, embodying the belief that collective action can create immense change, even with small efforts.

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Donations are very welcome! Stichting Ban Lanta y Planta, Arubabank 602037 0190, Paraguana 7c, KvK S 1846.0

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June 11, 2024
Rona Coster