Random thoughts and preoccupations

Labor shortage: In a Palm Beach restaurant last week, the waiter forewarned us that we might have to wait extra time, because they were short of hands. We waited. But the food and service were decent and made up for the delay.  At the car wash, I drove away in a semi-clean car, because as I was forewarned, they did not have enough hands to complete the job.

Among comments published on the Chamber of Commerce FB page, under their recent Labor Survey: Stop testing for weed, and you will find more people to work.

I thought it was a joke, but my friends tell me they thought the writer was serious.

Oil spill: The island’s Office for Crisis Management issued as alert at the wake of the oil spill reaching Bonaire, where the Dutch Marines have been employed to clean up. A mystery ship later identified as loaded with Venezuelan oil headed to Guyana capsized on a reef near Tobago, February 9th, the crew abandoned the vessel, which started leaking its 35,000 barrels of fuel oil.

The Aruba crisis managers, CMO, reports they have 60 first responders on standby to help contain any slicks and that they divided the island into areas, and are monitoring the situation.

I remember a similar scenario in 2017 where the islands in collaboration with Trinidad where a spill occurred, managed to minimize consequences. In this case it is a bit more difficult since the owners of the capsized barge have not yet been found, and the tug that helped cause the disaster is nowhere to be found.

Prepare to roll up your sleeves and do your share of cleaning, if needed.

Juanita’s beach: As reported by the Birdlife Conservation Foundation, the reclaimed beach area below Embassy Suites, has received a green light for palapas, lounges etc., to be used by resort guests. According to the Aruba Today the resort has obtained a “Juanita Beach” temporary permit. Last year, the resort’s plans to construct a beach directly on its waterfront, failed, in favor of nature and turtler grass protection. Six months down the road, the resort found a way to have his cake and eat it, by offering to develop the unprotected Juanita Beach, an area reclaimed years ago as a watersports center for companies servicing guests on Palm & Eagle Beach. The area never fulfilled its designation as a watersports’ hub, and now found its new calling. The move will alleviate beachgoers congestion on neighboring seafronts.

Who named the beach Juanita? Since when? If you know, tell me.



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February 29, 2024
Rona Coster