Pure Beach hosts IFA Happy Hour

untitled14Submitted by Mashelle Zeolla. International Friends of Aruba’s Happy Hour was hosted at the newly opened Pure Beach Bar and Restaurant in the recently expanded Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort on Palm Beach. Taking the concept of beach bar to new heights, Pure Beach combines the elegance of the finer Miami South Beach bars with that famous warm and casual Aruban ambience. Enticing guests with special drink prices and delectable offerings — including lobster bisque and tuna tataki—off the restaurant menu, were the key ingredients to a successful evening. No need for air conditioning with the Caribbean breezes cooling the group, who lounged on comfy sofas and club chairs. Pure Beach was Pure Heaven for this Happy Hour crowd!

For more information on Pure Beach, go to www.diviarubaphoenix.com or call 586 6066. For more information on IFA visit their website at www.ifaruba.com.

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September 22, 2009
Rona Coster