A seminar appropriately titled Potpourri in Pediatrics took place this past weekend at the Radisson Aruba Resort Casino & Spa, Grand Caribbean Ballroom.
The seminar program was put together by tireless, local pediatrician Dr. Joel Rajnherc and it featured local doctors as speakers, sharing from their vast experiences with their peers in the medical profession.
Among topics presented, Multidisciplinary Management of Nutritional Problems in Children with Dr. Rodriguez, The Pulmonic Murmur with Dr. Pedro, Common Issues in Newborn with Dr. Oudshoorn, Pediatric Urology with Dr. Petronilia, Pediatric Radiology with Dr. Meijer, an overview on Child Abuse in Aruba with Dr. Rafael-Croes, and Maltreatment of Children with Prof. Kessler.
Our images attest to the fact that Aruba’s medical community is eager to network and share information in urology, neonatology, cardiology and radiology, and is willing to tackle tough issues, and openly discuss all aspects of child-care in a holistic approach. Dr. Joel Rajnherc thought about everything including a speaker evaluation form which he will put into good use in planning next year’s enrichment day, the 5th annual Dr Bryson Symposium.