Ospitalita Italiana Award Celebrated With a Party at Hostaria Da Vittorio

Palm Beach — Master Chef Vittorio Muscariello of Hostaria Da Vittorio, assisted his family members and by Otmar Oduber, the island’s Minister of Tourism unveiled the Ospitalita Italiana bronze plaque awarded to him by the Chamber of Commerce of Italy and multiple ministries including the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Culture, Economic Affairs, Tourism, Agriculture, Alimentation and Forests, recognizing his commitment to everything genuinely Italian, especially his famous cuisine.

Master Chef Vittorio also unveiled the certificate which made him the Italian International Ambassador of Taste and Culture.

The Ospitalita Italiana award program was created by the government of Italy for the purpose of rewarding Italian restaurants outside the country for complying with ten difficult standards of excellence. The project “Italian Hospitality, Italian Restaurants in the World,” ensures global compliance with quality, typical to Italian hospitality, protecting the history, culture and most importantly the authenticity of the Italian kitchen.

The party immediate after the award reveal expressed the Master Chef’s enthusiasm and joy as it served all of his house specialties to a great number of movers and shakers in the community in an elegant party that went on to the wee hours over free flowing cocktails and dance music with Robert Jeandor and his Solo Banda Show.

Vittorio’s dinner buffer will still be talked about, many years from now as the Master Chef dazzled his party-goers with an incredible display of antipasti freddi including all the famous Italian delicacies, Prosciutto di Parma, Salami, Coppa, Mozzarella fresco, Capresa, Pecorino, Rocca Reggiano and Talaggio; Piatti caldi including Penne con Frutti di Mare, Orancini di Riso, Panzerotti, Salciccia Italiana and
Pizza Margarita, Funghi and Verdura. The dessert table was loaded with Pasticceria Mignon, including Baba Napoletano, Cassata Siciliana, Cannoli Siciliana, Tortaletta di Frutti di Bosco, Torta di Cioccolato, Bigue di Cioccolato Bianco and Pasta di Mandarle.

Master Chef Vittorio explained that in order to qualify for the award and be recognized by “Italian Hospitality, Italian Restaurants of the World,” a restaurant must comply with a great number of demanding standards and commit to serving Protected Designation of Origin Products, D.O.P., because Italian cuisine, is a result of many centuries, of how the Italian society ate and entertained, and lived. This unique quality of life is protected by Ospitalita Italiana because food just like paintings and music is a form of art, and it should be protected against adulterations and falsifications to preserve its history, quality, culture and authenticity.

Hostaria da Vittorio was visited by an anonymous inspector who verified all requirements. Following the visit Hostaria da Vittorio joined the select few hundred Ospitalita Italiana Certified Restaurant around the globe.

The Aruban community, joined the Minister of Tourism congratulating Master Chef Vittorio for his accomplishment, which he shared with his long time partner architect Dan Oduber, and his kitchen and dining room brigades. Congratulations Vittorio, enjoy the celebration of your award, your commitment to excellence paid off with the “Italian Hospitality, Italian Restaurants of the World,” certification.

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December 14, 2014
Rona Coster