One charge per year, no paperwork

On Thursday, January 16, 2019, two Police officers and one DIP representative came by requesting to see the “Precario” for beach events at my workplace, a Palm Beach resort.

In addition to the permit from the Police Department of Aruba for events taking place on the beach in front of the resort, I was informed that I should also request another petition thru DIP, the Department of Infrastructure & Planning, for all events on that public beach.

As you know, a Beach Policy was introduced in 2016, however this year they are enforcing it, with strict controls.

The second petition has to be made at DIP for each individual event attaching a copy of the Chamber of Commerce registration, and the personal number at the Tax Office, plus valid identification of the person requesting the petition, PLUS beachfront drawing from Kadaster, plus event details such as location, number of square feet occupied, set up, stage and/or any F&B sales.

The cost? Thirty-one florins per month.

Back-ups for each event about to take place during the specific month, must be attached to the petition which when approved, will generate a final invoice for the resort, based on the event’s actual specifications.

GREAT. So, for AWG 31 per month, perhaps USD 200 per year, GOA comes up with this genius plan to keep everyone busy and create stacks of paperwork for nothing.

Really a great way to generate extra work, yet mostly frustration for everyone!!

I vote for one charge, per year, no paperwork!



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January 26, 2019
Rona Coster