NEW: Tourism Security Patrol Aruba, TSPA

The Aruba Hospitality and Security Foundation, AH&SF, reported it is launching the Tourism Security Patrol Aruba, TSPA.

The AH&SF was founded by AHATA in 2001 to support safety and security in the tourism zone. At the time AHATA was a marketing organization and received all the funds derived from tourist room taxes. It could afford to hire and equip a team of security professionals.

Later on when the Aruba Tourism Authority morphed into a semi-public Sui Generis, and became the recipient of the funds, AHATA could no longer carry the expense and the job to support safety and security in the tourism zone, went to the men in blue, to the Police, where it lingered for a while, financed by the Aruba Tourism Authority, and run by tourism partners, such as AHATA, ATA, ATSA, ATIA. After a while it was just absorbed into the police force, and that was the end of that.

Now with the help of Chameleon Associates the Tourism Security Patrol Aruba will be revived, designed to increase visibility of law enforcement in the areas of Palm Beach & Eagle Beach. Chameleon Associates will also help train private security professionals and continue training the public ones to enhance the safety and security of Aruba’s residents and tourists, effective November 2023.

So look forward to additional visibility on electric bicycles, from the Ritz Carlson to Embassy Suites and from Amsterdam Manor to Dutch Village.

They already have a logo, but I was sworn to secrecy, and will not tell you what it is. They will be wearing a friendly light blue uniform. No firearms, no bulletproof vests, helpful, and reliable respondents.



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October 04, 2023
Rona Coster