More Delays

Can Continues to be Kicked Down the Road

Yesterday an article interpreting a Dutch government document, was circulated with great gusto, it so called pronounced that two kingdom laws, COHO and RFT, under which we’re supposed to be financially supervised, slightly unconstitutional.

All across the islands, politicians practically danced in the street, feeling that their lame attempt at resisting Dutch aid, tied to reforms, is justified, because the demand for them to stop spending money like crazy was illegal and invasive.

It was an article about, not the document itself, so most readers were suspicious and cautious.

As of this morning it is clear. Hold your horses.

Perhaps the two kingdom laws require a tweak here and there, but they are not going away.

They have to return to the legal workshop for repairs, resulting in delays, which local politicians are overjoyed about.

Saved by a technicality.

They don’t have to do anything different or transformational until COHO and RFT are fixed.

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March 24, 2021
Rona Coster