Arcadis Netherland submits a report on recycling VS incineration
Arcadis, a design and consultancy firm for natural and built assets conducted a report regarding waste management treatment in Aruba.
In its executive summary the report states that in the current situation, 68,000 tons of waste (Municipal Solid Waste – MSW) will be recycled on Aruba.
In the recycling installation of Ecogas, the waste is separated into various piles: Paper/cardboard, metals, aluminum, granulate and finally what remains, RDF, refuse-derived fuel.
Arcadis made an environmental comparison in which the current method of Ecogas was assessed in relation to the option of mass burn incineration of UNSORTED municipal waste.
At present Ecogas stores the RDF in a quarry, and is assessing additional methods for its further efficient use, as secondary fuel for a cement factory or as secondary building material.
The current separation system at Ecogas and the method used in recycling has been assessed as state-of-the-art, compared to European standards, from every aspect, technical description, economic perspective and environmental situation.
Recycling is a starting point, when it comes to achieving a circular economy, and the three RRR are essential components to sustainability.
On the other hand, Incineration when compared to recycling has a negative social impact such as on employment, less jobs, and on the environment, more pollution.
Additionally, significant financial investments, and operational costs of the incinerator, may lead to higher tipping fee, which is a risk for our community.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account emissions and control of gases, as well as a landfill facility for the deposit of ashes, bottom ash & fly ash.
Bottom line: The carbon footprint for an incineration is the high, TWENTY TIMES HIGHER than the present Ecogas solution.
Recently, Ecogas had a presentation with AHATA, ATIA and KVK. It went very well. Most agreed that incineration is not an option and that there is a need to find an alternative to exporting RDF to Colombia.
Ecogas suggested filling quarries on Aruba, and patching up holes in the landscape with bales which are non-hazard.
While the suggestion was made, MinInfra objects, and keeps pushing for his incineration.
Ecogas reported to the forum that Europe is regularly exporting RDF, and it is being used as alternative fuel for the cement industry.
Ecogas showed the forum the negative consequences of incineration, in Amsterdam, where the under-performing plant is plagued with technical problems and releases contaminated gasses.
Ecogas conducted a second session with the Parliament’s Committee of Sustainability Development. Don’t say we didn’t tell you, that the local community will have to pay for the investment, operational and maintenance costs, 3 to 4 times higher, in tipping fees. Don’t say we didn’t tell you that WEB will also have dire financial consequences.
Besides, if GOA promotes a circular economy, an incinerator is a no-no.
Aruba needs to finally focus or RRR, recycling, reducing and reusing.
Ecogas also conducted a session with the MinInfra, but he demanded a NON DISCLUSURE AGREEMENT. So, we know NOTHING.
A fourth session with local NGOs, yielded questions, nevertheless, the incineration remained OUT OF THE QUESTION.