Maria Perez is mother of the year at La Cabana


Mother of the Year Maria Perez, from the housekeeping department at La Cabana Beach & Racquet Club was showered with gifts and serenaded by spiritual singer Junior Garcia and the evergreen Trio Los Arubenos.

The maintenance department and members of management went all out to decorate the conference room and put together the entertaining and diverse program culminating with a fantastic raffle with many gifts. Resort board members were also on hand to congratulate all mothers and celebrate their special day with the Mosconis, the Coopers and the Pozniaks among them. Joe, Jessica, Tessy, Marc, Stanley and Pierre personally greeted the ladies and made a special toast in their honor.

Pictured here MOTY, Maria Perez, and her colleagues enjoy a lovely party.

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May 13, 2009
Rona Coster