Laboratorio Di Servicio, obliged to discontinue lab services for AZV patients, until the end of the year

Lamentably, as of Monday November 8th, 2021, and until January 4th, 2022, Laboratorio Di Servicio can no longer perform any lab services for AZV patients.

The lab will, however, remain open for walk-ins and visitors.

As an ISO accredited medical lab, and one of the largest lab service providers on Aruba, Laboratorio di Servicio obviously regrets the situation, and disagrees with the AZV decision to NOT cover the costs of lab services provided by Laboratorio di Servicio, effective Nov 8th, the reason being that AZV sets a maximum annual budget for each private lab, and because of its popularity with clients, Laboratorio di Servicio maxed that budget out, in November.

The logic for such budgets is questionable, as LabHoH, at the hospital, has no budget, and by setting annual budgets AZV does not save any money, as patients simply use other labs for their tests.

The only result of this system, is that patients cannot use the lab of their choice, which goes against the basic principles of AZV.

Private labs that excel in terms of quality and customer service are punished for their outstanding performance, by AZV.

Laboratorio Di Servicio tried to convince AZV to increase the budget for 2021, but AZV was unwilling to change its position.

Even though the decision is clearly out of Laboratorio di Servicio’s control, the lab sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience caused to its loyal patients, and kindly asks them to temporarily use alternative labs for their testing.

For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lab at: [email protected].

Laboratorio di Servicio continues to raise the bar in providing high quality healthcare services on Aruba and does everything in its ability to make excellent services available, in close proximity to doctors’ offices, in all neighborhoods, in order to help diagnose, screen, or monitor many specific diseases and conditions, in a reliable and safe fashion.

We look forward to serve our AZV patients again in the new year!

Dr. Robert M.F. Wever

Klinisch Chemicus/Managing Director



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November 06, 2021
Rona Coster