The holy man from Spain arrived at La Cabana’s training room with his log-book and his Black Piets prepared to celebrate the Feast of Sinterklaas, or St. Nicholas, an annual event which is uniquely Dutch, observed all over the Netherlands and the Dutch islands, for many centuries.
St. Nicholas Day is December 6th, and it is observed in most Roman Catholic countries as a celebration for small children. In Aruba the eve of that day, December 5th, is celebrated by young and old without any religious overtones.
Sinterklaas is always portrayed as a bishop, which he was in the 3rd century AD. He is depicted arriving by boat on the island, carrying gifts and a log book which tells him who was good and who did not listen. And while he is considered a saint within the church, the Dutch always think about him as a kind, over-dressed old man, whose birthday is looked forward to as an excuse to exchange gifts and make good-natured fun of individuals allegedly naughty this year.
Pictured here the saint’s party with employee children and grandchildren, as the Black Piets entertain the crowd at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino, which was successfully staged by the Food & Beverage department and the Department of Human Resources.