La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino Celebrates Dia di Himno Y Bandera

Eagle Beach — The Social Committee of La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino prepared an extensive program in honor of the 30th anniversary of Status Aparte and the 40th anniversary of the island’s much-loved anthem.

The program included a poetry competition, a patriotic 40/30 quizz at the Chit Chat Café during lunch, a lecture about Papiamento as the language of school instruction, in the Conference Room, another lecture regarding Aruba 30 Years of Status Aparte, with a fun raffle, also in the Conference Room, an exhibition Aruba Then, Now and in the Future with painting, portraits, recycled handicrafts, and antique items. The day started with raising of the flag and the singing of the anthem in the parking lot in front of the resort with guests and associates in attendance. Special commemorative tee shirts were made and distributed on honor of the day. The resort celebrated with music and a teriffic ambiance, the whole day!

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March 20, 2016
Rona Coster