La Cabana Beach & Racquet Club Loves Softball

SoftballA game titled La Revancha, which loosely translates into revenge or retaliation, was organized this weekend by the fun-loving crew of La Cabana Beach & Racquet Club.

Supposedly, the two softball teams played each other before and the losers were looking for an opportunity to redeem themselves while the winners were obviously out to confirm their advantage, but as they had so much fun running around none of the participants could remember who won the first round, and no one even cared about a second victory since the great attendance was by itself a testament to wonderful team spirit and fantastic camaraderie.

The friendly game, with lots of slide and collide action and bleachers loaded with fans, filled Kudawecha Ball Park with good sportsmanship, over a few cocktails.

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April 21, 2008
Rona Coster