It’s a dog-eat-dog world in politics

Just when we thought the bickering stopped, the politician we considered our MinInfra, who was last minute unseated by MinPres, took a flight to the Netherlands escorting her daughter to school, a right-of-passage all parents wish to experience. In the movies you drive your kid to college, on an island you take a 9-hour transatlantic flight.

And that little timeline detail is important. Keep it in mind.

She asked for that private time off, officially, she told parliament, even his excellency the Governor was informed of her absence, according to protocol, leaving July 26th returning Aug 10th, 2020.

“Hold your horses, until I return,” she probably thought to herself, in light of the recent attempts to oust her, by an unholy alliance of former and current ministers.

Once assured she was safely on board the blue bird on her way to the Netherlands — her happy selfie, with daughter, in face masks, on board, appeared in social media as proof — coalition members requested a public meeting regarding their lack of trust in her handling the infrastructure, environment and spatial planning, on the same day. They summoned all to attend, Friday, July 31st, 2020, 8am.

They knew she would be away, so the mice came out to play!

Even if she rode her new and improved long-distance broom – that sweeps clean – she could never make it back here on time. On the other hand, her party colleague, our MinJust who vowed never to share common air-space with her, is now free to join.

It will probably be a short meeting on Friday, because not all party members are comfortable with back-stabbings of the highest order.

And don’t expect any fire and brimstone speeches from those who requested the unexpected meeting, because POR members Dellanire Maduro and Alan Howell are hardly great speech writers, MEP member Rocco Tjon, might kick a shin or two, and the misguided Ricardo Croes, who probably only signed the request for convocation out of coalition solidarity, doesn’t care if she is here or not. He is also sometimes present, but in reality, not.

All four coalition member who signed the request for convocation have no political future, because voters remember – you make me almost miss the despicable super-villains of the former administration!   

So parliament will hold a meeting to discuss a ministry WITHOUT the minister. That’s a first, like having a wedding without the bride, or a burger without the beef patty.

Why? You’re asking: Two reasons: Serlimar and DIP.

POR was already considerably irked when the Serlimar suspension of payments was announced, turning the running faucet off, but the cup overflowed with the personnel suspensions at DIP, following investigations into irregularities. You already know about that, from a previous column.

You also know who is pulling the strings: One white collar crime suspect.

The quest to remove the only WOMAN who is actively trying to improve our dire financial situation is disheartening, ok, ok, she is not an angel, but you got to admire her political courage.

Admirable yes, and it often gets her into trouble. Let’s see her reaction, today!!

Added complications: In my disappointed & disillusioned column yesterday, I said that in retrospect I was very surprised that the MinPres signed that famous letter, July 24th, vertrouwensbreuk met minister Marisol Lopez Tromp (POR), dictated by the former MinInfra and written by MinJust, practically removing the infrastructure portfolio from the minister legally assigned to it, and downgrading her to project assignment.

It was out of character.

There was no due process.

No time allowed to mediate and think about the implications, though some feeble efforts at mediation were made.

I think I now understand it in light of a recent Nel Oduber transcribed phone-conversation with a reporter extoling party unity above all. He is determined to keep MEP together, and secure his son’s future, under the current administration. Pops always looks out for Junior, and the MinPres heeded the advice of her elder, for fear of a power struggle in her own party. Yes? No? 



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July 29, 2020
Rona Coster