IFA throws a holiday party at De Suikertuin

IFA Xmas (5).bmpThe sugar garden, De Suikertuin in downtown Oranjestad was the venue for Saturday night’s annual Holiday Party hosted by the International Friends of Aruba.

The restaurant opened its doors in the evening hours to accommodate IFA members in quest of a cozy holiday affair. The festive crowd enjoyed the open bar and each other’s great company over delicious Suikertuin appetizers. We understand the after-party at Garufa cocktail lounge was equally lively and included dancing to C-Zar Olarte and Angelo Figueroa’s combo.

Located at Wilhelminastraat 64, De Suikertuin offers both indoor and outdoor seating for breakfast and lunch every day in a warm & friendly local atmosphere.

For more information about joining International Friends of Aruba, please go to www.ifaruba.com.

Thank you Clelia Douglas, for putting together a much-enjoyed Holiday Party, with a fantastic turnout.

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December 09, 2009
Rona Coster