Happy Birthday Douglass At the Heart of a Great Party at Cuba’s Cookin’


After considering all of the possibilities, publisher and restaurateur Douglass Markus reports there was really only one option, when the world as he  knew it came crashing down and he was too confuse to know what else to do . . . throwing a spectacular fun party sounded right, alleviating his predicament, as he just turned 60!

Pictured here the proof that 60 is the new 40, and when challenged by the new reality, Douglass got his cool friends together and entertained them in grand style, over music and dance. True to his motto, “Love them, feed them, and share what you got,”  Douglass rocked/merenge’d/salsa’d  the night away with Maestro Ramón & Yessy la flaca, at Cuba’s Cookin’ restaurant on Wilhelminastraat. Legendary baker Chris Smith provided a delicious stack of brownies in lieu of birthday cake, adding another special touch to the gathering, perfect in any way, from original Lux Production invitations to delectable bottomless mojitos.

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February 28, 2009
Rona Coster