The national campaign, Stimami Sterilisami, aimed at spaying and neutering cats and dogs on the island took off with SIX veterinary clinics in participation
The following are the clinics:
– VSH Veterinary Specialty Hospital | Ernesto Petronia 88
– Veterinaire Kliniek | Noord 50 B
– Veterinaire Kliniek | Wayaca 128
– Animal Health Veterinary Hospital | Caya Dr. J.E.M. Arends 20
– Contreras Veterinary Services | Shaba 2
– Animal Care Clinic Aruba | Paradera 133
The program was founded by Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, and for 2023 they managed to recruit a number of valuable partners among them the Tourism Product Enhancement Fund (TPEF), Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA), Setar N.V., One Love Foundation, and Spazio Realty.
More donations, private and corporate, are welcome:
Fundashon Stimami Sterilisami, account at Aruba Bank #6012630190
According to hotelier Ewald Biemans, President of Fundashon Stimami Sterilisami, Bucuti & Tara will match every dollar or florin that comes in.
Here are the results for 2022
With only one clinic, VSH Veterinary Specialty Hospital, as a partner, the collaboration was successful. Stimami Sterilisami neutered 3,686 dogs and cats, which means that since the program was started in 2016, 31,410 cats and dogs, were helped.
That number for just one clinic is remarkable. In 2023, with six clinics, they are hoping to reach 6,000 procedures, says the Crescenzia Biemans, Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Executive Team, Legal & Public Relations and Tara Eco-Horeca Supplies, Managing Director, on behalf of the foundation.
Campaign 2023
To mitigate the suffering of abandoned and unwanted animals the foundation will subsidize the cost of the procedure, so that both individuals and rescue foundations may benefit from the reduction.
Female dog, Awg 260: Awg 110 subsidized by the foundation, Awg 150 remains as copay to owner
Male dog, Awg 170: Awg 75 subsidized by the foundation, Awg 95 remains as copay to owner
Female Cat, Awg 200: Awg 90 subsidized by the foundation, Awg 110 remains as copay to owner
Male Cat, Awg 35. Awg 45 subsidized by the foundations, Awg 80 remains as copay to owner
Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory drugs and anesthesia, included.
Owners of large dogs weighing over 25kg, will be charged an additional Awg 50
Owners of dogs or cat in heat or pregnant, might be charge additional for the procedures in view of a more complicated procedure
How does it work?
You must register on line,
You will receive a registration NUMBER and confirmation via email.
Give the number to your vet of choice.
Pay your share, the foundation will do the rest,
Receive a date for the operation.
Receive a receipt for your portion of the procedure.
Why sterilize?
We have all seen the abandoned and unwanted animals on the street, and we must avoid this overpopulation, it reflects badly on the island, and results in much suffering for our four legged population. We will avoid the barbaric practice of killing the abandoned and unwanted animals, if we spay and neuter.
Fundashon Stimami Sterilisami
Fundashon Stimami Sterilisami ta un non-profit organization cu ta uza 100% di tur donacion ricibi pa ofrece subsidio pa e procedura di sterilisacion pa tanto publico en general, como tambe organisacionnan di boluntario cu ta cuida bestianan di cas of riba caya. E organisacion su bukinan ta habri y ta wordo controla pa asina brinda transparencia total di e uzo di fondonan. Pa esnan cu kier aporta na e gran causa aki, por haci donacion directo na Fundashon Stimami Sterilisami, cuenta: Aruba Bank 6012630190.