What Ridiculous Expense
I listened to True Confessions by Otmar Oduber, this week, as he broke his silence, defiantly decided to fight back all those dumping on his reputation. He did not hold back, he came out swinging, and he was everywhere, defending what’s left of his honor, he said.
I am not a conspiracy theorist but the timing is suspicious. He must know something. Perhaps that the general prosecutor of the Flamingo case managed to prove nothing?!
But nevertheless, guilty or innocent, the man says he is ruined, finished, his career gone, his finances in the dump, his family scattered.
He says he hasn’t done anything, but served this country, with all his heart.
The way he told it, emotional, his face gaunt, cheeks sunken, I believed him.
Ok, ok, I know, where there is smoke there is fire, so I should allow the process to unfold, but it was plain to see that the machine swallowed the once-powerful Otmar Oduber, chewed him up good, and spit him out.
He has some terribly upsetting stories to tell about our justice system.
The timing of his True Confessions is also suspicious because ONE DAY after parliament votes on saving former minister Edison Briesen’s derrière, to the tune of Awg 2.1 million, all kinds of documents surface that prove that GOA’s accounting service, CAD and ATA, have WARNED against spending the money on ridiculously costly concerts since 2003, and violating accounting laws. There are heaps of documents condemning the expense, yet, former minister Edison Briesen signed the contract anyway, with American entertainment promotor, Lee Tofanelli, a business shark, out to get the silly banana republic minister, AND the documents were concealed, kept out of sight, until one day AFTER the vote in parliament, which saved Briesen.
If we had seen these documents before, they couldn’t have exonerated Briesen.
This is maddening, and ridiculous and upsetting.
Shame on whoever engineered this clever plot to save Briesen, a cherished member of the MEP elite, at our expense.
As I said, the timing is suspicious, where were the documents last week? They were kept out of sight from parliament, whose members lie, without repercussions.
Otmar, why didn’t you come out swinging a few days before?
What a ridiculous drama
I went to the Vet today, Wayaca, with my Arashi beach dog that was adopted this weekend. Her name now is Caya, and she has a lovely home, a fenced yard and lots of space to roam with a friendly sister dog.
Happy ending.
Around the time we were done with the checkup and vaccination — she got an almost perfect bill of health, I noticed a great-big commotion, about 4 to 5 police cars, at least one dozen men and women in blue around CCC.
As I was coming around the corner, my heart sunk, four officers were carrying a kennel with a gray large dog out, and practically dumped the weight into a waiting truck.
I did not want to be part of that drama.
I beat it.
But I did notice the men and women in blue were having a good time bantering, in the shade, under the tree, they were not in a rush to leave.
Now I understand that a dog bit a pedestrian.
Indeed, an incident of that magnitude requires the presence of 4-5 police cars and the attention of one dozen blue uniformed men and women, for as long as it take to blow the story up.
Incidentally, on Friday, a female visitor told me she was talking a morning walk at Esmeralda where she was staying with her husband on vacation, at a rental, when a dog bit her, not once but twice.
Where was the police then?
Our visitor was upset, she gave herself first aid, and the way she talked about it, it was an unpleasant experience. Our neighborhoods are roamed by dogs, outside their yards, and I have never seen the police attempting to correct any of that. OK, it’s not their job, but where is the City Inspector?
In yesterday’s case, it was a famous dog, belonging to the minister in charge of solving some of our stray issues. It got extra attention.
I understand the pedestrian is ok, and accepted the apology from the dog’s owner.
What a ridiculous delay
The old water pipe in Malmok that used to break regularly, with huge loss of water and damage to the landscape and road, was replaced. A new water main with rustproof pipes, was laid down 6-7 months ago. Even the smaller pipes designed to connect it to the Malmok houses were put down. But, alas, to this day, nothing is connected. The countdown for another water main break in on.
What takes you so long? Why hasn’t it been connected??
What a ridiculous system
Old furniture and wood, now to be brought in person to ECOTECH must be driven in, personally. You must drive in with your car and they ask you to literally drive OVER the garbage that is everywhere on the floor. Which resulted in 3 flat tires here, in one week, reports one of my readers! My husband says he refuses to go there again, she concludes.