First Radiation Oncology Treatment in Aruba

As director of ImSan  today it is with great honor and pride that on behalf of the entire team of the Radiation Oncology department, consisting of Dr Nestor Sanchez (Radiation Oncologist), mr Jose Ghaleb (Physicist) , mr Joël Geerman (RT-Tech & Dosismetrist), mrs Lisette Arends (Secretary) and mrs Chantel Vlaun (Nurse) and their clustermanager mr Giovanny Irausquin the following.

This morning on April 1st at 10.00 am this team has been able to successfully perform the first Radiation treatment on the first Aruban patient here at ImSan.

We are all very proud of this immense achievement which was accomplished in very close collaboration with our strategic alliance partner the team of Miami Cancer Institute of Baptist Health of South Florida under leadership of dr M.Mehta(Radiation Oncologist).

A special thanks goes to mr A.Gutierrez (Physicist) and dr M.Fagundes (Radiation Oncologist) for their determined participation and support to reach this milestone.

Despite many obstacles this very complex task has been executed with extreme precision within the timeframe that was targeted.

Our team wishes to express their gratitude to all who in whichever manner have contributed to making this possible, including our Prime Minister mrs E. Wever-Croes, our Minister of Tourism, Healthcare and Sports mr D. Oduber, the entire Council of Ministers and all Members of Parliament of Aruba.

A special thanks to the UO-AZV under leadership of mr R. Goedhoop. To all other stakeholders including the entire medical specialist staff of Aruba we thank you for your support and continuing participation on behalf of the patients.

Let me express my very personal special thanks to Dr R.Ribas and the rest of the Baptist Health International team for everything (and that is quite a lot) that they have done (above and beyond the call of duty) to help ImSan reach this milestone. To mrs Laura Kozloski, mrs Anna Tamargo and mr Luis Collado this whole ImSan team can in no way repay you for all you have done for ImSan and thus for the whole Aruban community. Your contribution to enhance the quality of health care in Aruba has been indescribable.

To our Board of Supervisors with mrs L.White as chairperson we wish to express our gratitude for the support and guidance you have provided during this whole process.

My very special expression of gratitude for all his support during these last 8 years goes to my dear friend mr Rene Kan. In all honesty I really believe that without your support ImSan probably would not have been able to achieve this milestone as yet.

To all the subcontractors under guidance of ELJO we are extremely grateful for the great job you have performed in full cooperation with mr M.Alexander, followed by mr A.Tromp of ImSan.

To our lenders, NiB,Banco di Caribe, Ennia, RBC and CMB thank you for your support and confidence in this ImSan team. I extend my special thanks to our external advisors mr R.Boom and Mr.P.Brown for your professional and unrelenting support and advice.

To all of the ImSan team and extended family thank you for all your hard work and confidence to make this dream a reality. You are such a great group of people, unbelievable.

In these bizarre days we live in there are so many reasons for being grateful and continue to fight for the future of healthcare in Aruba and the ImSan team is a perfect example of this.

Let me just end by congratulating my team with having reached this most impressive milestone. I am so very proud of all of you and humbled by your accomplishments.


                Today we say:               Pabien ImSan     Pabien Aruba.


PS: This is not an April fools joke. DR Joel Rajnherc 

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April 01, 2020
Rona Coster