Erotika at Mr Jazz sparked much excitement

erotika-6Erotika sounds by Dio Zambrano, Renzo Muscariello, DJ Jason and DJ Big Rig attracted the young & restless to Mr. Jazz by Chucho Valdes, at Paseo Herencia on Saturday night

Fueled by Heineken beer and Jaggermeister Bombs Erotika tickled and tantalized the senses to house music, with erotic male and female dancers.

A sexy crowd enjoyed more than just a party, as all party-goers agreed it was a memorable experience.

Mr Jazz by Chucho Valdes, an elegant classic supper club with live music every night hosts all-out trendy events about once a month, attracting a beautiful mix of young people appreciating alternative music. The special events are always sell-out successes.

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May 17, 2009
Rona Coster