ER Day celebration at Amazonia Churrascaria

DSC00475The excellent crew of the Horacio Oduber hospital ER celebrated their special day, October 14th at Amazonia Churrascaria.

The medical professionals famous for their ability to rapidly assess situations and manage critical events immediately understood the concept of food at the restaurant and took a number of trips to the salad bar, then they kept the carvers busy, delivering giant skewers of beef to the table. Over 30 triage specialists enjoyed their celebration, and the music of singer Angelo Kolman, in charge of the entertainment.

Restaurant Manager Hubert Solagnier reports that the restaurant has just rolled out it flexible Christmas menus, custom designed for every budget with much flexibility as far as service hours and pricing. We will accommodate every schedule, and every wish Hubert reports, adding that Carolina Raven & Irma Bijen are available for consultation and booking at any time.

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October 16, 2009
Rona Coster