De Palm Tours at the vanguard of the environment

Coastal CleanupThe recent 8th annual national coastal cleanup mobilized 27 staff and family members of De Palm Tours who volunteered to participate in the effort. The company also donated the use of its Land Rovers as well as the use of 6 buses and their drivers, assigned to pick up dozens of volunteer school children and deliver them to their designated beach clean up areas.

Patrick Fortin, of De Palm Tours N.V., reports the group met at 8 a.m. at the De Palm Head Office and traveled to Wari Uri Beach on the De Palm Land Rovers. At the beach site, located on the Atlantic coast of Aruba they met up with significant quantities of washed up trash, including blue Pepsi bottle caps from Venezuela, and five oversize bags of garbage buried in the sand, plastic debris and assorted waste.  The volunteer school children some accompanied by their parents arrived on board the De Palm Tours air-conditioned motor-coaches, and pitched in enthusiastically, as they felt they were making a difference in helping the environment, which is a positive manner of handing the island’s environmental legacy to the next generation, Fortin remarks.

The clean up wrapped up at Noon and on the return to the De Palm Tours Head Office the cleaners were treated to well-deserved pizza and watermelon.

In her closing notes, the chairperson of the national clean up committee stated that the 8th national coastal cleanup went very smoothly, and was a huge success, with over 1,000 participants scouring the coasts and the beaches, collecting 6 containers of refuse, besides many bags which Aruba’s cleaning service Serlimar picked up the following day.

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November 18, 2009
Rona Coster