Change OR at least some flexibilization in Labor Laws

My optimistic friends say it is part of the Dutch imposed conditions, and some flexing in our labor laws will take place. My pessimistic friends say lubid, not happening, we don’t see anything being accomplished before September. Elections. GOA will not do anything that might significantly jeopardize MEP’s campaign.  

My realistic friends say that while 2020 was the year of hope — the vaccine will get here, we’ll crawl out of the hole, life will go back to normal, 2021 is delivering a rude awakening, with resources down to zero, GOA stuck in its ways, wage subsidy iffy — only committed in the first quarter, the labor department in a freeze, companies burdened with large payrolls for employees they can no longer use, more bankruptcies on the horizon.

Our charming MinAsL was the center of attention, this week, twice.

Apparently, at the onset of the pandemic he instructed his minions at the Department of Labor to refuse accepting petitions for workforce dismissal. They wouldn’t even accept letters and docs explaining WHY employers had to cull their work force. Don’t even try to reduce your overhead. Don’t even try to realign, adjust or reorganize your business was the message, loudly transmitted by the labor department.

Many local employers had no choice but hire lawyers, and go to court. The courts in response protested they should NOT be doing the Department of Labor’s job. Acceptance of petitions is anchored by law and MinAsL cannot decide differently.

Similar to the dress code at Ontvanger, our leaders take it upon themselves to make decisions that are illegal.

The courts exposed MinAsL, with his social view of the world; he PARALISED the Department of Labor at the time when it was needed most.

Alas, even if they start accepting petitions, again, it will take at least six weeks for anything to move. They make decisions by committee, and will always side with the employee.

The question is WHY do you need to ask the Labor’s Departments permission to fire — it is your business, your money, your risk, why is this catholic marriage style imposed?

Employers should be allowed to dismiss. Yet have the obligation to consult with the MinAsL in cases of mass firing and bankruptcies, but otherwise this neck choke policy is counter-productive – employers THINK THREE TIMES before taking anyone new on.

Why is the private sector burdened while the public sector exempt??

We all know that mass firings take place in government circles after elections, when all green coordinators are dismissed, their contract annulled, and yellow ones are marched in, armed with a contract to serve the new potentates. Until they are dismissed at a wave of a hand, when the mop flops, and the election needle moves the other side.

Why is this OK for GOA to easily dismiss, and not OK for the private sector??  

The second MinAsl headline had to do with Carnival, or rather hangover-day, Monday post Carnival Sunday, traditionally an off day.

Since we have no Carnival this year, there is no need for an off day. Should we schedule Carnival in August, we will be entitled to a hangover-day off, then.

Just to be clear, the Department of Labor reiterated no off day, and all hell broke loose. What do you mean? Depriving the masses from a day without work, anchored in law.

Yes, it is anchor in law, post Carnival, and since there is none, there is none.

A whole discussion ensued.  Whether it was fake news or no news at all, and perhaps we should get a day off anyway, because we’ve always had one, and what will the opposition say? Blame MinAsL for denying us a day off, like the Grinch who stole Christmas??

And then the HOH employees said that are tired of giving. They ran out of solidarity! More tomorrow.



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January 13, 2021
Rona Coster