Celebrity Chef at Cuba's Cookin'

Cuba’s Cookin’ is proud to introduce celebrity chef Melissa de Leon who will grace the soul food’s kitchen with her gracious presence prepared to make a few seasonal menu changes, and to tweak our favorite Cuban and Latin recipes in the spirit of the time, with what’s new and what’s hot  . . .

The cooking diva, hails from Panama. And while she was raised in Central America and in Argentina, she lived in California, traveled Cambodia and Thailand and visited Spain, Portugal and France, learning about regional cuisine and culinary traditions everywhere she went.

Invited to visit Aruba by publisher/restaurateur Douglass Marcus, the diva will be in residence at the kitchen of Cuba’s Cooking on Wilhelminastraat until the end of the month.

You may also check out her friendly and easy to follow culinary blog, loaded with interesting recipes, in English, at www.panamagourmet.blogs.com/

P.S. says Melissa: “Never miss an opportunity to share a meal with your loved ones, because it is the best time to tell stories, and to tell you the truth…it is a great way to learn about any culture!”

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November 21, 2008
Rona Coster