CBS reveals interesting details

The Central Bureau of Statistics published results of the Consumer Price Index, for November 2022.

It’s up, of course, and November 2021 to November 2022, that’s 12 months, it climbed 6.6%, almost double from the corresponding period of the previous year.

The annual two year average of the inflation rate in Aruba, November 2020 to November 2022 is 5.3%, much higher than for example November 2019.

What went up? Almost everything, transportation, food, and non-alcoholic drinks. Communication dropped, maybe we talk less of the phone, but we all felt that expenses related to the use of personal transport vehicles, for example, went up.

Also, in the basic consumption basket, of 408 items, 52.7% items went up, 33.1% items showed a drop, while 14.2% items remained the same.

Thus, our core inflation registered 3% BUT the energy index, including electricity, water, gasoline and diesel register a rise of 13.5%; food went up 9.7%.

CBS always publishes the minimum subsistence level, which is interesting, how much money does a household need to survive?

A household of two (2) adult and two (2) kids, ages 0-14 year,  in November 2022, needed a minimum of Afl. 5,362, a rise of Afl. 466 if compared to November 2021.

One adult minimum subsistence level requires Afl. 2,553, up Afl. 222 when compared with November 2021.

I visited the CBS’ website and found it very helpful. They are always a bit behind in presenting final figures which is understandable since they need to collect the data first.

The annual inflation is Aruba, November to November is 6.6% according to the statisticians, but I suspect it’s a bit more, depending what you measure.

We are lucky that in comparison to other countries in the last two years the average inflation was ‘just’ 5.3%.

We imported good for Afl. 605.2 million, in the second quarter of 2022, and exported Afl. 50.5 million, I have no clue what we export, I will have to ask around.

Aruba’s tax revenue in 2019 was Afl. 1,236.2 million.

Total population was 107.504 in the first quarter of 2022

And interestingly, in the first quarter of 2022: 566 people emigrated, 462 immigrated, 175 were born and 232 died.

Divorce? 80.7% divorces per 100 marriages in 2021.

While we had 107,906 people living here, midyear, 2015, we still showed 107, 695 living here in 2021.

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January 12, 2023
Rona Coster