Buy a ticket for the Charity Concert, fund raising for Animal Rights Aruba

As  you  may  already  know  Animal  Rights  Aruba  (ARA),   a  non-profit  Animal  Welfare Organization  aims at protecting  all  fauna,  flora,  and  marine  life  on  and  around  the  island.  ARA  is  run  by  volunteers  and  relies  solely  on  donations  from  the  community  and  the business sector.

ARA’s  main  short-term goal,  is  building  its own  (dog/cat)  no-kill  shelter.  As it stands right now, when stray dogs and cats are identified,  ARA immediately tries to find them foster homes, or arranges to pay for boarding at the vet’s clinic, because otherwise they cannot be saved.

So its own shelter, is the ideal solution, but the total cost to build one including the fencing, is around Awg 280,000.

This  is  an  enormous  amount  for  a  foundation  that  depends  on  the contribution/ donation….

But  ARA is  very optimistic and positive and  is  convinced that the generous locals and overseas visitors will  support and help ARA so this dream may come true, soon.


ARA  is  pleased  to  announce  that  there  will  be  a  Charity  Christmas  Concert  on  the  30th, just a few tickets left, so hurry up!

November  2016,  on  the  Freewinds, docked in the harbor,  with popular singer Edjean  Semeleer, special guests  Jeanedy Semeleer and  the  Freewinds  Band.  The proceeds from this concert will be earmarked to “We need  a shelter,” which will surely help get ARA one step closer to the goal.

We are kindly asking you or your  company to  contribute  to  our cause by buying one or more Charity Concert Tickets. ARA trusts that you will enjoy the music and feel good about helping!


Andreina A. Wever, Veterinary Doctor

President of Animal Rights Aruba

Concert on: 30th November, 2016

Place: Freewinds

Time: 08.00 pm

Animal Rights Aruba  – KvK nr. S904 –

Bank account number: 7700000030627674 – RBC Royal Bank (Aruba) N.V.


Price: 50 florins

Tickers at Moustachef Bistro, on Havenstraat, Super Food Plaza, Noord, Bestial Pet House, Shaba,  Flora Market, Dakota, or message 593 4584

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November 25, 2016
Rona Coster