It seemed like the end of the world, hundreds of black beetle-like bugs huddled in a pool skimmer basket, and many of their cousins walking freely around the house, some stuck in corners, like they have no clue how to proceed.
A horror film.
Girlfriends from around Tierra del Sol, Esmeralda and Noord, started sending videos and pictures of the bug invasion.
DGV was indifferent to the pleas for help. You have to go through the proper channels, they said, file an official complaint with DNM, nature and environment, call pest control, why are you bothering us? Our process is different, we cannot just spring to action.
Ok, they are civil servants, I guess we have to help ourselves.
I called the pool maintenance company. Yes, we’ve shocked five pool today, they said, increasing the level of chlorine is not enough, and in spite of shocking pools with lye, at an extra cost, we found bugs in the strainer the following day, threatening to damage pumps.
Then I called Pest Control, yes, they said, we are busy servicing a greater number of homes today and hope it helps, we have not seen an infestation like that before.
Finally, I called Santa Rosa, and they did not share my alarm. Why should you want to kill them, said the man in charge, you are in their environment, let the birds have them.
Anyway, Santa Rosa wasn’t shocked at all, it’s apparently our fault, we did something to the bugs’ usual breeding places and they are looking for new homes.
The bugs name? Belostoma, a water bug, it lives in dams, it eats algae, it loves fresh water habitats, and is prevalent in the Americas. Someone suggested opening a kiosk and sell chocolate-covered Belostoma, it’s a business opportunity, they said.
In reality, all you can do when they descends upon your address, in hundreds, is spray and pray.
Some Tierra del Sol residents think that the Salina which they believe has been filled by GOA with foul-smelling gray water caused this plague of biblical proportion. But according to my sources the plan to divert Bubali water into the Salina hasn’t materialized, but nevertheless, we are already fearful and apprehensive or any interference with nature.
The Belostoma is now in quite a number of pools and homes in Noord, they are not in our neighborhood, WE are in their hood, our hood is in THEIR habitat. They have been around for ages, and we have invaded their space.
I spray and pray, please skip my address.